Frequently Asked Questions
Shipping Timeline: On average, please allow 10 business days for delivery of all orders.
High School Kit Cap: The Gatorade® Performance Packages are limited to 15 kits per high school per calendar year (January-December).
Question: What is the earliest ship date that I can request?
Answer: You must request a ship date a minimum of two business days out.
For example, if today is a Friday before 5pm ET, the earliest ship date available to be requested is Tuesday. If today is Friday after 5pm ET, the earliest ship date available is Wednesday.
Question: Can I choose a weekend ship date?
Answer: No. If you request a weekend ship date on the site, the next available business day after that weekend day will be assigned when the order is processed.
Question: Can I order one of the High School Packages if i am not a High School?
Answer: No. High School packages are available to High Schools only.
For invoicing or purchase order questions, please contact : info@highschoolteampack.com